Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Terra Nova, making light of things

We've worked closely with Terra Nova for the last nine years to get their marketing of all things adventurous and outdoorsy pretty much spot on. It's also resulted in a few bad jokes from time-to-time about The Message doing 'in tents' Marketing.

We took a trip to their annual tent show this week to see how things were going.

A nice day it was too. We liked this beautifully designed, patriotic number that appeared to be a little more 'Glastonbury' than the others. 

We also couldn't resist the barbequed hot dogs and marinated turkey on offer!

Terra Nova recently beat their own Guinness World Record for the lightest tent in the world, weighing just 860g at its minimum weight.


  1. Christ Ian, that jacket needs a health warning! Nice to see Andy was keeping himself busy, and the old Union Jack Quasar out in the sun again.

    And we had the weather as well, what more do you need?

  2. Hey Joe, you know I like to dress up when I visit my clients!

    Andy was very proud of his marinated turkey; rightly so it was lovely - but I did remind him he used to serve grilled Haloumi at previous shows which always went down well too.

    It was good weather for the barbie, yeah, but what we really need one year is a force 8 gail to show the real benefit of buying Terra Nova...

    By the way, you still feeling OK after your trip to Mexico? Not that I'm paranoid about our next meet or anything...

  3. Heh heh i'm fine thank you, I was hoping the force 8 might have been this year while I was away!

  4. Hi Joe. Ian B (rather than C) here.

    The question that's puzzling us is how did you stumble across our blog in the first place? We've only just got it up and running, and here you are commenting on our posts.

    Feel free to spread the word across Terra Nova that you (and your beautifully-designed tents) are now featured on our blog...

  5. I have a google blog search set to scrape any posts that mention "terra nova" or "terra nova tents". I've surprised a few people with it! I think it reads message posts too, so the brands post you listed should attract a few more viewers.

